Wilkes fourth-year pharmacy student Michael Hummel knew he needed more practice doing blood pressure screenings. After helping with a screening event attended by more than 150 people at a church in Kijinjubwa, Uganda, he felt like a pro. “People were talking, trucks were going by outside, as I tried to …
Research and Scholarship
It didn’t look like the usual class project. Eight students sat at intervals along HO-scale train tracks, computers in front of them, circuits plugged into the tracks next to them. They were members of John Gilmer’s Microcomputer Operation and Design class. Each student was assigned two sections of the track …
Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy is the 2018 Public Relations and Awareness Award Recipient
by Web ServicesThe Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy was awarded the 2018 Public Relations and Awareness Award from the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association. The 2018 Public Relations and Awareness Award recognizes the school that worked at scheduling and holding various public awareness and community activities promoting the role of the pharmacist, particularly …
Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Receives the 2018 Membership Award from Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
by Web ServicesThe Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy received the 2018 Membership Award from the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association. This award recognizes the one school in the state that excelled at membership recruitment, retention and involvement. Wilkes pharmacy school students impressed the Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association with their creative and innovative thinking at …
If you ask senior biology major Keaton Allison how he would describe his experience as a Guthrie Scholar, he quotes Greek physician Hippocrates: “Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is a love of humanity.” The Guthrie program allows Wilkes students to gain first-hand knowledge of the life of …
Assistant Professor of Global Cultures, Jonathan Kuiken Presents Lecture on Anniversary of Armistice Day
by Web ServicesA lecture marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I was presented by Wilkes assistant professor of global cultures, Jonathan Kuiken. The lecture, “Ending the War to End All Wars: Reflections on the 100th Anniversary of the End of World War I,” examined the significance of a …
Professor of Political Science Thomas Baldino Offers Insight on Midterm Election in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
by Web ServicesThomas Baldino, professor of political science at Wilkes University, recently was featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for his insights on the midterm elections. Baldino explained the polarization at the polls may not be impacted by recent events including the tragedy at the Squirrel Hill synagogue which killed 11 individuals. “We’ve never had …
The stakes are high in the upcoming midterm elections, as Democrats and Republicans vie for control of Congress. A complex set of factors – party affiliation, presidential popularity and issues among them – will determine the outcome. In the following question-and-answer session, Wilkes political science professors Thomas Baldino and Kyle …
Integrative media alumna Erin Gallagher ’13 of Kingston, Pa., has been creating visual representations of social media activity since February 2017, and it is turning heads across the country. Her work has been gaining attention and has been featured on the online news site Buzzfeed. It recently earned her an …
Christine Muller, director of the honors program and an assistant professor at Wilkes University, was recently featured in the Citizens’ Voice for her expertise on 9/11 studies and a new history course she is teaching this fall. Muller’s course entitled “Producing the History of 9/11” focuses on the specific day …