Meet the Farley Library Staff: Lawrence Kopenis

by Web Services

Lawrence Kopenis

Circulation Supervisor

E.S. Farley Library

1. What do you do as the Farley Library Circulation Supervisor? 

As circulation supervisor I’m responsible for creating staff schedules, posting library hours, hiring work study assistants and retrieving lost and overdue books (among many other things).

2. How long have you worked at Wilkes?  

I celebrated 25 years at Wilkes in 2018.

3. What has changed in the library since you have worked there?   

Obviously, there is more emphasis on technology as the way society accesses information has changed. Having said that, we still check out books!

4. What book are you currently reading and what’s your favorite book?

I’m currently re-reading “The History of Impressionism” by John Rewald.   It has to be the definitive account of this movement and it’s importance in the history of art.  As far as a favorite book, there really are too many to single out just one.  

5.What is your favorite place in the library?  

I’d have to say the circulation department—most of my time is spent there.   But let me add that both the 2nd and 3rd floors are favorites as well—-we have a fantastic collection of books there and I invite everyone to come and find something of interest.

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