Meet the Farley Library Staff: Brian Sacolic

by Web Services

Brian Sacolic

Head of Public Services

E.S. Farley Library

What do you do as Head of Public Services at the Farley Library?

In that capacity, I supervise the three departments of public services at Farley: circulation, reference, and interlibrary loan.  I spend a lot of time working with students and faculty in all three areas, but especially at the reference desk and in the classroom. We actively promote our library services and facilities, so if you have any questions or concerns about the Public Services at the library, don’t hesitate to contact me.

 How long have you worked at Wilkes?

I have completed 31 years at Wilkes and have seen many changes, especially at the library. When I began there was still a card catalog in the library and there was no online access to journals.  No food was permitted in the library. Things have vastly improved since then with new technologies and services, but Farley is still a library.  Meaning that we respect both high-tech and classic technology (i.e. print books).

What book you are currently reading?

I usually read nonfiction in science or history.  Currently I’m reading “Soviet Space Dogs,” which is Space Race history about the stray dogs that were used in early test flights. Some dogs lived and some died in the effort to put a living thing into Earth orbit. So it’s a good read that combines technology, cold war history, and animal ethics.

What’s your favorite place in the library

The reference desk of course! But also the third floor provides quiet space and sofas, so that’s a nice location for a break.

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