Graduates from the Passan School of Nursing at Wilkes University were honored during a pinning ceremony on Friday, May 19, in the McHale Athletic Center at Simms Center on Main. Graduates of the traditional, four-year bachelor of science in nursing program were recognized. Also honored were graduates of the Accelerated Bachelor Science in Nursing. The ABSN is designed for students who have bachelor’s degrees in other disciplines and wish to become nurses with just one year of full-time study.
The pinning ceremony is a rite of passage that marks the transition from that of a student nurse to a professional one.

The graduates above pinned in recognition of earning the bachelor of science in nursing include (from left to right): Row 1 Justin Burkhart, Giavanna Candelora, Kaitlyn Carroll, Deiry Conteras, Mackenzie Cook, Madison Coolbaugh, Alexa Crossgrove, Jessica Cunningham, Joseph Curry, Christopher Dalfarra, Jaycee DeMaria, Kira Dobbs, Olivia Dunkle, Katherine Egan, Carly Endres
Row 2 Paige Bordner, Elena Kreger, Nyah Kubilus, Emily Lass, Christina Mahama, Giulia Maiolatesi, Gabriella Mann, Hailey Meixel, Elizabeth Mellon, Megan Oakley, Gabrielle Olenginski, Alyssa Osterhout, Chase Passman, Christina Pavone, Kathleen Rafalko, Russell Rauh
Row 3 Elizabeth Antes, Samantha Andrews, Emma Jackson, Amber Hughes, Zachary Tone, Shelby Vasquez, Deanna Wadzin, Kelsey Wenninger, Olivia Wood, Nina Zimmerman, Madison Zulkoski, Aubree Strachko, Taylor Hembury, Matthew Stankiewizc, Tara Alexander Soda, Allison Shurock.
Row 4 Emilee Barnhardt, Mallory Jones, Rachael Kepp, Alyssa Keister, Morgan Bilski, Lauren Farrell, Jessica Fred Torres, Joan Schaeffer, Addison Gardner, Carly Entler

The graduates above pinned in recognition of earning the accelerated bachelor of science in nursing include (from left to right): Row 1 Alexis Shollenberger, Sydney Dreisigmeyer, Elizabeth Diefenderfer, Ashleigh Schwartz, Rachael Morgart, Amanda McKenrick, Taylor Johnston, Jenelle Richards, Scott Ricevuto, Rachel Lavoie, Ashley Mulherin, Megan Yurkiewicz
Row 2 Lyndrew Jasmin, Micaela Lothian, Marissa Lothian, Jodiann Liptak, Megan Belzner, Emily Bowman, Sharon Michels, Yuxin Cai, Jacob Hughes, Kaitlin Griggs, Breanna Leidy, Anitra Williams, Mykala Gillespie