Wilkes University recognized 10 faculty and staff members with 11 honors at the 2022 Teacher Recognition and Effectiveness Committee (TREC) Awards Ceremony. The recipients of this year’s awards are:
Ajay Bommareddy, 2022 Carpenter Award Recipient
Ajay Bommareddy, associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences, received the Carpenter Award for Teaching. The award, considered Wilkes’ highest honor for teaching, recognizes an outstanding member of the faculty and includes a $1,000 award and framed certificate. The awardee is nominated by his or her colleagues and must have been a full-time employee for at least three years.
In a nomination letter submitted by pharmacy student, Julia Firestine, Bommareddy was recognized for his excellence in mentoring students through hands-on research projects as well as his upbeat and inclusive teaching environment. Firestine writes, “His research has been heavily influenced and pioneered by students at Wilkes, and he will never turn someone down interested in expanding their horizons to research. Beyond these attributes, Dr. Bommareddy is… an energetic, empathetic and inspiring professor.”
Bommareddy joined Wilkes in 2009 after completing two years of postdoctoral research work at the University Of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Bommareddy’s research focuses on prostate and breast cancer chemoprevention using naturally occurring phytochemicals. He often works with a student team to explore cancer preventive properties employing alpha-santalol, a naturally occurring compound derived from sandalwood oil. At the ceremony, Bommareddy also received the Scholarship Award (as detailed below). Read more about Bommareddy here.
Additional awards and honorees are:
- Suzanna Calev, archivist and public service librarian, received the Academic Support Award. This award is given to a member of the Wilkes University staff who facilitates classroom or experiential initiatives and learning among students. Academic support is defined as an individual who is not on faculty at Wilkes, but participates in educational offerings including classroom activities, laboratory activities or coordination of experiential learning opportunities.
- Robert Galella, adjunct faculty member in the School of Education, received the Multiculturalism Award. The award goes to a faculty member who demonstrates leadership in the advancement of multiculturalism ideals in the classroom.
- Ty Frederickson, assistant professor in the doctor of education program in the School of Education, received the Innovative and Nontraditional Teaching Award. Students nominate faculty for the award that recognizes a teacher who successfully incorporates innovative or nontraditional strategies into at least one class. Teaching innovation includes effective small group, collaborative methods; advanced use of technology in the classroom; consistent student-centered, interactive classroom experience; engagement in outside-the-classroom learning experiences that enrich student mastery of concepts and theories; and engaging students in joint faculty-student research projects.
- Warna Gillies, adjunct faculty member in School of Education, was awarded the Adjunct Faculty Award. The award goes to an adjunct faculty instructor who demonstrates excellence in teaching through innovative practices and forming relationships with students.
- Anna Ma, assistant professor in the Sidhu School of Business and Leadership, received the Outstanding New Faculty Award. The award recognizes one full-time, non-visiting faculty member in his or her second or third year of full-time teaching at Wilkes University who demonstrates excellence in teaching, advising and service. The awardee is nominated by his or her department chair.
- Ajay Bommareddy, associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences in the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy, received the Scholarship Award. This is awarded to a faculty member who demonstrates commendable success in the area of research and scholarly activity that influences Wilkes University and its students.
- Jane Blaken-Webb, assistant professor in the doctor of education program in the School of Education, received the Interdisciplinary Award. The award recognizes a faculty member who demonstrates the advancement of interdisciplinary learning through course pairing, team teaching or course projects.
The Outstanding Advisor Award recognizes academic advisors from individual schools and colleges who are nominated by students for demonstrating excellence in academic advising based on load, advising philosophy and testimony by advisees. This year’s recipients are:
- Wei Du, assistant professor of electrical engineering, received the Outstanding Advisor Award for the College of Science and Engineering.
- Stephanie Wasmanski, assistant professor in the doctor of education program, received the Outstanding Advisor Award for the School of Education.
- Tanya Pyke, faculty of practice, received the Outstanding Advisor Award for the Sidhu School of Business.
A recording of the ceremony can be accessed here.