Wilkes University will go pink this October. Students, faculty and staff will take the month to support those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, educate others about the importance of self-exams, and fundraise to support further research. Across campus, student groups and athletic teams have planned a variety of events.
Events include:
- Thursday, October 5: Pink Hair Strands and Self-Exam Prep. Wilkes University’s Office of Civic Engagement will have a stylist from Salon NouVeau from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Henry Student Center offering temporary pink hair strands for $10. The Nursing Students Organization will also offer a self-exam prep class to give important information on what to look for. All proceeds from the event will go towards research and awareness efforts.
- Tuesday, October 10, 7 p.m., Marts Center: Women’s Volleyball, Pediatric Cancer Night. The women’s volleyball team will play against Moravian University. The team will wear gold shoelaces purchased through the Go 4 The Goal foundation. All proceeds from the game will go to support local pediatric cancer.
- Saturday, October 14: Pink Out Game, 12 p.m. Schmidt Stadium. The Wilkes Cheerleaders held a fundraiser in September to sell Breast Cancer Awareness pink t-shirts. The team and supporters will be wearing their t-shirts and invite all fans to wear pink as well. Funds raised through t-shirt sales will support the Frank M. and Dorothea Henry Cancer Center.
- Through October, Wilkes Women’s Soccer. The women’s soccer team will sport pink socks at each of their games as a symbol of their support and spreading awareness.
Wilkes athletic teams will also partake in wearing pink during the month of October and encourage fans to join them as well.

National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day is October 13.
For more information and resources, please use the following links.
You can visit www.gowilkesu.com to find schedules and more about game days.
American Cancer Society Recommendations for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer