From left: Abel Adekola, dean of the Sidhu School of Business, Professor Marleen Troy, and Carole Baddour, assistant professor and associate dean of mechanical engineering.
Marleen Troy, PhD, PE, professor of civil and environmental engineering, was named the 2022-23 President of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE) at the 88th Installation of Officers and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, September 23 at Wilkes University.
The ceremony included presentations of awards to PSPE chapters across Pennsylvania, the ceremonial passing of the gavel from previous president Jennifer M. Nolan Kremm, and concluded with Troy’s message to attendees as the new president.
Current Wilkes University students held round-table networking sessions with PSPE officers.
Prior to the program, PSPE officers in attendance held round-table networking sessions with current Wilkes University engineering students.