Wilkes University Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Thomas Franko, has been installed as the 2020-21 president-elect of the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association. He was named during the organization’s annual conference held virtually on Oct. 1.

During the meeting, pharmacy student Landon Bordner was installed as the 2020-21 Student Director East, one of seven elected positions to the student advisory board of the organization. He will serve a full-year term in the position.
After service as a clinical pharmacist in outpatient chronic pain management, Franko joined Wilkes in 2013. His interests are in pain management, substance use disorder and harm reduction strategies. He is an active member of the American Pharmacists Association, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association.
In recognition for his work in pharmacy and substance-use disorders, he was awarded the 2017 Pharmacist Mutual Companies Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award, the 2018 Generation Rx Champion Award, and a Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service in 2019 from American Pharmacists Association. He is a 2011 graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
Bordner, of Williamstown, Pa., is in the Doctor of Pharmacy/Master of Business Administration dual-degree program with an anticipated graduation in 2022. He is a student pharmacist at CVS Pharmacy and is participating in a pharmacy law internship with Jerome Musheno, RPh, Esq. He serves as vice president of Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society, is a member of the province planning committee for the northeast region and is the leadership symposium ambassador for Kappa Psi Delta Omicron. He is also the policy vice president and conference delegate for the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists and treasurer for the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy.
In recognition for his academic achievements, Border received the Wilkes University Deans Scholarship and Provost’s Letter of Academic Distinction.
About The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
Founded in 1878, the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association is a professional membership organization of more than 2,300 pharmacists and pharmacy students across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, representing almost all facets of pharmacy practice. As the leading voice of pharmacy in Pennsylvania, it promotes the profession through advocacy, education, and communication to enhance patient care and public health.