The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association honored students and alumni from Wilkes University’s Nesbitt School of Pharmacy with two awards at its recent conference. The conference was held virtually via a live broadcast on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020.
Wilkes University was awarded the
Membership Student Award. Michael Gionfriddo, a 2011 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
alumnus, received the Ten Under Ten Award.
The 2020 Membership Award recognizes the one school in the Commonwealth that
excelled at membership recruitment, retention and involvement. The Wilkes
University student group held several unique recruiting events including a
Welcome Club Mixer, an Oprah-style Gift Card Giveaway, and a Breakfast Club
event – all while focusing on growing and retaining membership. The Wilkes
group received a commemorative plaque and a $200 cash prize for their

During the annual event, Wilkes alumnus Michael Gionfriddo, received the Ten Under Ten Award. The Ten Under Ten Award recognizes the top ten pharmacists practicing for less than ten years who demonstrate commitment to advancing the profession, involvement in the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association and other pharmacy associations, and service to their community. The awards are presented every three years.
Shavertown, Pa., is an assistant professor at Geisinger Center for Pharmacy
Innovation and Outcomes. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at Wilkes.
During his career, Gionfriddo has published over 75 peer-reviewed publication
and book chapters, presented at a variety of national meetings, served as an
editorial board member for Pennsylvania Pharmacist and is an editorial
advisory board member for the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. He
has been recognized with the Health Care Systems Research Network Early Career
Investigator Award in 2019, and was named the AGING Initiative Multiple Chronic
Condition Scholar in 2020.
Founded in 1878, the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association is a professional
membership organization of more than 2,300 pharmacists and pharmacy students
across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, representing almost all facets of
pharmacy practice. As the
leading voice of pharmacy in Pennsylvania, it promotes the profession through advocacy, education, and communication to enhance patient care and public health.