Sara Wolman, a 2011 Wilkes graduate, is an interpretive park ranger for U.S. Fish and Wildlife in remote King Salmon, Alaska. She recently was interviewed on an episode of the She Explores podcast. On the podcast, she talks about building a career in the tundra and about environmental change that is concerning her: marine mammal and bird die-offs on Bristol Bay.
To listen to Wolman on the podcast, click here.
Wolman began her career as an interpretive park ranger for the National Park Service at Katmai National Park in Alaska before transitioning to her current position. After graduating from Wilkes, she completed three terms with the AmeriCorps VISTA program. Her third assignment in VISTA took her to Alaska. Wolman, who earned her degree in political science, was interviewed for Wilkes magazine in 2015. In that interview, she said that taking the Alternative Spring Break trip to Costa Rica with Andy Miller, associate professor of political science, inspired her to get out into the outdoors more.