Lyn Godley is obsessed with light.
That obsession has been what has driven her career as a self-described hybrid artist/designer who works with light. Godley talked about her obsession and the work that it has spawned in a lecture on July 15 at Wilkes University’s Sordoni Art Gallery. Godley’s work is featured in the Sordoni’s current exhibition, “Lit,” which runs through Aug. 4.
Godley’s work has crossed the borders of fine art, interiors, product, furniture, lighting, and jewelry. She opened her own studio in 1998 after 14 years as a partner in the design team of Godley-Schwan. Of all her work, it is lighting which she has chosen to focus for the last 25 years. The investigation of new technology and materials in a robust dialogue with beauty – through form, imagery, and color – the duality of science and emotion, right and left brain together at the same time. Merging digital printing, drawing and painting, fiber optics, light reflecting films, and physical computing has led her explorations in light and color refraction. In addition to her studio work, she is an associate professor of Industrial Design at Jefferson University, where she is developing curriculum and coordinating a Lighting Design concentration.

Godley delivered her lecture surrounded by the sparkling products of her imagination. To her right, a wall of prints of birds in various stages of flight or repose twinkled with pinpoints of LED lights on their wings. Just over her shoulder, a series of illuminated images of jellyfish glowed in neon pink, purple and yellow.
The artist and designer’s lecture focused on the many ways that light influences and draws the view. She shared her most recent work, which has focused on the ways that her lighted works of art can positively impact the healing process for patients.
“Light has the ability to affect the viewer,” Godley told the audience of more than 50 who attended the lecture. Attendees included nursing students from Wilkes University who had come to hear about Godley’s work related to art and healing. Speaking about how art in heh-care settings can improve the care experience for patients, she outlined how viewing it works to reduce stress and improve well-being. She noted that 40 percent of all veterans hospitals in the United States have substantial art collections.

Godley outlined 11 ways that light has the ability to affect the viewer. They included:
- Light gives us s visual window on the world.
- It gives us identify and defines us
- It choreographs our movements and tells us where to go. Godley noted that the way a building is lit will guide in the direction we need to go.
- It draws us close
- It pushes us away.
- It calms us.
- It excites us.
- It mesmerizes us.
- It protects us.
- It urges us to grow.
- It helps to heal us.
Visitors to the Sordoni Art Gallery this summer will be able to experience exactly how Godley’s work impacts them. For information about gallery hours and visiting the Sordoni, please click here.